簡單筆記一下今天工作的成果:將 Matlab 的矩陣噴出成 Amira 的 .am 檔案,也就是 Amira 3D mesh。 這個成果是根據我手上有的 .am 檔案還有 Matlab Central 上的 LoadData_Amira.m 逆推的,特此致謝。

雖然從 LoadData_Amira.m 看起來 AM 檔案有支援 uint8 之外的其他數值格式,但是我剛才弄半天弄不太出來,所以為了簡便,就先強制輸出為 uint8 吧,科科! ``` matlab m2am.m function m2am(A, filename) % written by Po-Nan Li @ Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica % V1.1 @ Aug 30, 2013

A(A<0) = 0; % because we will convert the matrix to uint8, hence all % non-postive values must be turned into zeros A = uint8(A); % force to uint8 sz = size(A); % get the dimension information of A dim = length(sz); % number of dimensions fid = fopen(filename, ‘w’); % open file fprintf(fid, ‘define Lattice’); % line #1

% print out dimensions for k = 1:dim fprintf(fid, ‘ %d’, sz(k)); end

fprintf(fid, ‘\nParameters {\n’); % line #2 fprintf(fid, ‘ Content “%dx%dx%d byte, uniform coordinates”\n’, sz(1), sz(2), sz(3)); % line #3 fprintf(fid, ‘ DataWindow %d %d,\n’, min(min(min(A))), max(max(max(A)))); % line #4 fprintf(fid, ‘ BoundingBox %d %d %d %d %d %d,\n’, 0, sz(1)-1, 0, sz(2)-1, 0, sz(3)-1); % line #5 fprintf(fid, ‘ CoordType “uniform”\n}\n’); % line #6 fprintf(fid, ‘Lattice { byte Data } @1\n@1\n’); % lines #6 and #7

lg = numel(A); % calculate the total size of matrix elements

% dump all elements for t = 1:lg fprintf(fid, ‘%d\n’, A(t)); end




依照我個人的慣例,寫作成 m2 家族 XD